good manipulation pratices, colchicine, pharmaceutical chemistryAbstract
We present data from two cases seen at an emergency facility, occurring within a one-week period with two members of the same family, who died of septicemia and acute hemorrhagic enteritis. The investigation, conducted by the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance department, concluded that these deaths were due to accidenta/ intoxication with colchicines. The drug was prepared in a compounding pharmacy, and there were breaches of safety norms /eading to the ingestion of doses 7 00 times higher than the recommended dosage. The present report intends to a/ert physicians who provide emergency care as to the need to include, during the anamnesis of patients, specific questions to them or to their companion regarding the use of compounded drugs, given that the use of medication prepared in compounding pharmacies is increasing and accidents, as the one reported, may become more frequent and may occur with other drugs as well.
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