exercise, women, obesity, quality of lifeAbstract
To investigate the association between changes in physical fitness and quality of life effected through deep water running practice during a 77-week intervention (three weekly sessions), with no food restrictions.
ln a quasi-experimental single group study, thirty-one obese women (38-57 years old) with 30 to 40% body fat were evaluated. Data on fat percentage, body circumferences, cardio-respiratory performance, strength, flexibility, and qua!ity of life were collected. Student's t-test, Wilcoxon 's non-parametric test and canonic correlation coefficient were adopted for analyzing the association between physical fitness and quality of life. Discussions of data results consider 5% as the significance threshold.
The values obtained indicate increases in cardio-respiratory condition (p<0,001), improvement in flexibility (p<O,001) and strength (p<0, 00 7), body fat reduction (p<O, 00 7), muscle mass gain (p<0, 00 7) and quality of life improvement in physical (p<O, 001), psychological (p<O, 001) and social relationships (p<O, 005) perspectives. The canonic analysis indicated a significant correlation between changes in quality of life and physical fitness, 0.83 (p<0.01).
The results indicate that the practice of a singular physical exercise such as deep water running has beneficial effects on the quality of life of obese women.
World Health Organization. Obesity, 2002 [cited 20 Apr 2005] Available from: http//www.who int/ health_topics/obesity/en
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