Effects of pre-consultation lists on the communicative behavior of children with cancer and their caregivers


  • Marina KOHLSDORF Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Laboratório de Desenvolvimento em Condições Adversas.
  • Áderson Luiz COSTA JUNIOR Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Laboratório de Desenvolvimento em Condições Adversas.
  • Felipe Diniz MARQUES Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Laboratório de Desenvolvimento em Condições Adversas.


Child, Child health, Neoplasm, Pediatrics


This cross-sectional study present effects of pre-consultation lists on caregivers’ and children’s communicative behavior. Thirty-two dyads caregiver-child took part in this research, divided in three groups concerning the study design: Baseline 1, Intervention phase, and Baseline 2. Children and caregivers were individually interviewed before consultations on pediatric cancer treatment, in order to list doubts, expectations, and estimated issues to the medical visit. These themes were written down on a sheet of paper, attached to the child´s medical record cover, and would then be used as a memo in the following consultation. Results show that pre-consultation lists produced no effects on children’s behavior, however the procedure was associated to specific doubts discussed by caregivers regarding dietary recommendations, coping with side effects, child development, biological aspects of cancer, and school activities. This study presents a low cost procedure that may contribute to tailor communication in pediatric settings.


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How to Cite

KOHLSDORF, M., COSTA JUNIOR, Áderson L., & MARQUES, F. D. . (2023). Effects of pre-consultation lists on the communicative behavior of children with cancer and their caregivers. Psychological Studies, 33(4). Retrieved from https://puccampinas.emnuvens.com.br/estpsi/article/view/8023

