Self-regulation for learning intervention in reading comprehension: an integrative review


Palabras clave:

Basic education, Motivation, Reading skills, Self-management, Strategies for learning


This integrative review aimed to investigate the structure of successful interventions in the development of self-regulation for learning to optimize reading comprehension of Basic Education students. The search for articles was carried out in five databases, and by the method of searching for quotes. Of the 137 items retrieved, 13 were eligible. The samples of the reported interventions were composed of students from the 3rd to 6th grade, from American, German, and Slovenian schools. The interventions were of an instructional type, focusing on developing self-regulatory strategies to develop reading comprehension. The studies indicated that participation in the interventions increased the students’ performance in this cognitive-linguistic skill. It is assumed that this review can assist psychologists and educators in preparing, applying, and monitoring the results of intervention programs to develop students’ self-regulation in carrying out tasks that envolve reading comprehension.


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Cómo citar

FERRAZ, A. S., & SANTOS, A. A. A. dos. (2023). Self-regulation for learning intervention in reading comprehension: an integrative review. Estudos De Psicologia, 38. Recuperado a partir de

