A values-based phenomenology for substance use disorder: a new approach for clinical decision-making


Palabras clave:

Alcoholism, Alcohol-related disorders, Phenomenology, Phenomenological psychopathology, Values


 Phenomenological psychopathology has been defined as a human science that is concerned with the object on which clinical psychology and psychiatry act. How psychopathological experiences are understood is an important factor determining decision-making in clinical care. An accurate understanding of psychopathology is fundamental to the effectiveness of mental health treatments. This is even more important in a field such as substance use disorders in which social and cultural values influence both diagnosis and decision-making. In this article, we offer a contribution to clinical decision-making in substance use disorders by suggesting the association of Phenomenological Psychopathology and Values-Based Practice, constituting a Values-based Phenomenology We present a fictitious clinical case (to preserve confidentiality), illustrating a three-step practical application of Values-based Phenomenology. We conclude that although still a nascent discipline, Values-based Phenomenology offers a promising approach to reducing the gap between services and patients’ needs in clinical decision-making, and thus to improving clinical care in substance use disorders.


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Cómo citar

MESSAS, G., & FULFORD, K. (2023). A values-based phenomenology for substance use disorder: a new approach for clinical decision-making. Estudos De Psicologia, 38. Recuperado a partir de https://puccampinas.emnuvens.com.br/estpsi/article/view/7310

