Anthropometric indices and serum retinol levels of children under age five years from the State of Paraíba, Brazil
Growth, Vitamin A deficiency, Nutritional status, Vitamin AAbstract
This study assessed the relationship between anthropometric indices and the serum retinol level of children under age five years from the State of Paraíba.
This cross-sectional, population-based study measured the serum retinol level of 1,205 children to determine their vitamin A status and assessed their weight-for-height and height-for-age to determine their nutritional status.
Stunted children aged 6 to 12 months had lower serum retinol levels than normal-height children (p=0.02).
The association between stunting and low serum retinol levels in young children shows their greater vulnerability to vitamin and growth deficits.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Daiane de QUEIROZ, Adriana de Azevedo PAIVA, Jacqueline Santos da Fonsêca Almeida GAMA, Zilka Nanes LIMA, Dixis FIGUEROA PEDRAZA

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