Multimixture influence on rats gestation: maternal and fetal weights and serum triglycerides


  • Vilma Blondet de AZEREDO Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Marcelle Mattos DIAS Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Gilson Teles BOAVENTURA Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Maria das Graças Tavares do CARMO Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Núbia Regina FERNANDES Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


multimixture, diet, triglycerides, rats, wistar, food, formulated


The objective of this study was to determine the influence of the multimixture (MM) on maternal and fetal weight gain and on maternal hypertriglyceridemia at the end of gestational period. Female Wistar rats (n = 120) were divided into four groups: a) typical diet of the state of Rio de Janeiro/Brazil (HERJ); b) HERJ diet supplemented with 2% of MM (HERJ+MM); c) casein diet (CAS1) with 12% of protein; d) casein control (CAS2) with 20% of protein. Maternal and fetal weights were weekly registered in the days 7,14 and 21 of the experiment. Serum triglycerides (mg/dL) were determined by kits (BioClin). The results demonstrated that the supplementation of the HERJ diet with 2% of MM did not increase maternal and fetal weight gain and did not alter the hypertriglyceridemia. In conclusion, the multimixture utilization during gestation does not affect these studied parameters.


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How to Cite

Blondet de AZEREDO, V. ., Mattos DIAS, M. ., Teles BOAVENTURA, G. ., Tavares do CARMO, M. das G., & FERNANDES, N. R. . (2003). Multimixture influence on rats gestation: maternal and fetal weights and serum triglycerides. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 16(1). Retrieved from

