Transgenic plants and their products: effects, risks and food safety (Biosafety of transgenic plants)


  • Rubens Onofre NODARI Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Miguel Pedro GUERRA Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


transgenic foods, risk assessment, biosafety, precautionary principle, food safety


This paper provides an overview of the effects of transgenic plants, also known as Genetically Modified Organisms, and food safety. Modern biotechnologies are powerfull tools in reprogramming life. However, a major problem in the risk assessment of the organisms produced by biotechnology is that the outcome of transformations can not be fully foreseen. Potential risks to human health include unpredicted side-effects, allergy, toxicity and intolerance. The main effects on the environment include the gene lateral transfer, genetic pollution, and damage to non-target species. The substantial equivalence principle should be abandoned in
favor of more scientific criteria. With the Biosafety Protocol approved January 2000, the precautionary principle was reaffirmed and the labeling became compulsory. The public perception reached a stage where restrictions on the consumption of genetically modified foods are imposed, compelling enterprises and scientists to a sciencebased approach for the risk assessment analysis.


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How to Cite

Onofre NODARI, R. ., & GUERRA, M. P. . (2003). Transgenic plants and their products: effects, risks and food safety (Biosafety of transgenic plants). Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 16(1). Retrieved from