Energy density of the meals provided at companies registered in the Worker’s Food Program in the city of São Paulo, Brazil


  • Daniela Silva CANELLA Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Departamento de Nutrição
  • Daniel Henrique BANDONI Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Departamento de Ciências da Sáude
  • Patrícia Constante JAIME Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Departamento de Ciências da Sáude


Collective feeding, Working environment, Energy intake, Nutrition programmes and policies, Food services


This study estimated the energy density of meals served at a sample of companies registered in the Worker’s Food Program and its associated factors, and assessed the relationship between energy density and nutrient supply.
This cross-sectional study encompassed 21 companies in the city of São Paulo. The energy density of the meals was calculated in two ways: inclusion of solid foods and drinks (energy density 1); inclusion of solid foods and exclusion of beverages (energy density 2). The mean energy (kcal) and food and beverage weights (g) were obtained by assessing the lunchtime menu during three consecutive days. The statistical analyses used nonparametric tests.
The median energy density 1 was 1.10 kcal/g and for energy density 2 was 1.43 kcal/g. Some of the companies’ characteristics were: 76.2% manufactured goods, the salary of the majority of the workers of 57.9% of the companies did not exceed 1562 USD per month; 85.7% of the food services were outsourced, 71.4% were supervised by a dietician and 61.9% planned the menu. The only significant difference observed was between energy density 2 and economic sector (p=0.039). Regarding macronutrient content of the meals, a positive correlation was seen between energy density 1 and the supply of protein, total fat and fibers, and between energy density 2 and the supply of total fat and saturated fat.
The companies registered in the work’s food program need to improve the quality of their meals. Total fat needs to be reduced. This nutrient correlates highly with high energy density


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How to Cite

CANELLA, D. S., BANDONI, D. H. ., & JAIME, P. C. (2023). Energy density of the meals provided at companies registered in the Worker’s Food Program in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 24(5). Retrieved from

