Potential for healthy eating in a Brazilian public university food environment
Palabras clave:
Collective feeding, Feeding behavior, Food services, UniversitiesResumen
To identify the food environment healthy eating potential in the authorized food services on the campus of a Brazilian university.
This is an observational study carried out between March and April 2014 on a campus of a public university in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The elements of the food environment were evaluated using an audit instrument, containing 86 questions: availability (amount of food services and types of food offered), convenience (days and hours of operation), incentives and barriers to healthy eating (nutrition information, payment strategies and food advertisements). Preparations based on whole grains and fresh or minimally processed products were considered healthy foods; and, preparations with high caloric density, sugar-sweetened beverages, sweets, desserts, cookies, and savory snacks were considered unhealthy food. The questionnaire allowed us to calculate a score for each service, which could range from 0 to 36 points, and indicates the potential for promoting healthy eating in the establishment, with higher scores indicating a greater presence of elements that contribute to healthy eating. The different types of food service facilities were compared based on the scores (p<0.05 for statistical significance).
Among the establishments evaluated, 24% were snack bars/cafeterias, 26%, restaurants, and 50% offered mixed services. Healthy food items were scarcely available in the establishments fruits: 24%; vegetables: 20%; brown rice: 15%); while added-sugar beverages (98%), sweets and treats (76%) were widely offered. There was a higher frequency of advertising encouraging consumption of unhealthy items than that aimed at healthy foods (44% vs 30%). In general, the score was 13,2 points (SD=3.3) and the mean score for snack bars/cafeterias (9.3 points) was lower (p<0,05) than that of restaurants and mixed establishments (14,4 points).
On the campus assessed, the food environment had limited potential for healthy eating, since elements that did not favor healthy food choices were more frequent.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Camila Batista RODRIGUES, Luana Silva MONTEIRO, Nilma Morcerf de PAULA, Rosangela Alves PEREIRA
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución 4.0.