Action of ascorbic acid on the healing of malnourished rats’ skin wounds


  • Gisele Alborghetti NAI Universidade do Oeste Paulista
  • Louise Maria Freitas MANZOLI Universidade do Oeste Paulista
  • Tayane Carvalho Isidoro da SILVA Universidade do Oeste Paulista
  • Larissa de Queiroz MAMEDE Universidade do Oeste Paulista
  • Mary Ellen de Oliveira Martins DISCONZI Universidade do Oeste Paulista
  • Rogério GIUFFRIDA Universidade do Oeste Paulista

Palabras clave:

Ascorbic acid, Malnutrition, Skin, Vitamins, Wound healing


To evaluate the action of ascorbic acid on the healing of malnourished rats’ cutaneous wounds compared with normal weight rats.

We used 92 adult, male Wistar rats divided into four groups: 24 normal weight rats given only water and chow; 24 normal weight rats given vitamin C by gavage (340 mg/kg 12/12 hours); 22 malnourished rats given only water and chow; and 22 malnourished rats given vitamin C by gavage (340 mg/kg 12/12 hours). Malnutrition was induced by feeding the animals half of their daily energy requirement for 30 days. Two incisions were made, one sutured (healing by primary intention) and one left unsutured (healing by secondary intention). The rats were euthanized on the third, seventh, and fourteenth days of the experiment.

The following parameters differed significantly between the groups (p>0.05): granulation of the wound edge in the primary and secondary intention; extent of injuries on day 7 for primary intention and on day 3 for secondary intention; reepithelialization on day 7 for primary intention; fibrin-leukocyte scab on day 14 forprimary intention; amount of neovascularization and concentration of macrophages, fibroblasts, and collagen fibers for primary and secondary intention.

The use of vitamin C in malnourished and normal weight rats increases fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition in the tissue, which helps to improve healing both by primary and secondary intention. 


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Cómo citar

Alborghetti NAI, G. ., Freitas MANZOLI, L. M. ., Carvalho Isidoro da SILVA, T. ., de Queiroz MAMEDE, L. ., de Oliveira Martins DISCONZI, M. E. ., & GIUFFRIDA, R. . (2023). Action of ascorbic acid on the healing of malnourished rats’ skin wounds. Revista De Nutrição, 27(4). Recuperado a partir de

