About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Oculum Ensaios, founded in 2000, is an online scientific journal of Architecture and Urbanism, affiliated with the Postgraduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at PUC-Campinas. It is open to contributions from the national and international scientific community. The journal aims to disseminate academic production, supporting teaching and research activities. Its mission is to promote academic debate and disseminate ideas, research, and practices that are relevant to the disciplinary field of Architecture and Urbanism, focusing on the following themes: the role of architectural and urban interventions in shaping the territory in its multiple scales and temporalities; theories, history, and criticism involving the processes of the built environment; the spatialities of the public sphere; the configuration of urban form; the relationship between architecture and urban spaces; the potential of architectural and urban heritage for urban and building rehabilitation; the collective and participatory actions of populations involved in the configuration of the territory; and the resulting economic, political, social, and spatial impacts.


Indexing Sources

The Journal is indexed by:

  • DOAJ
  • RedaLyc
  • Latindex
  • Diadorim
  • ROAD

Open Access Policy

Oculum Ensaios adheres to Open Access, and all its content is available and protected under the Creative Commons License (CC-BY). Additionally, it does not charge fees for the submission, review, or publication of articles.


Copyright and Licensing

For all articles published by Oculum Ensaios, copyright is retained by the authors. The articles are protected under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 open access license, which means anyone can download and read the article at no cost. Furthermore, the article can be reused and cited as long as the original published version is mentioned. These conditions allow for maximum use and exposure of the study while ensuring that the authors receive due credit.


The publication of the journal is funded by:

  • Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (PUC-Campinas)

Instructions to Authors

Scope and Policy

Oculum Ensaios accepts scientific manuscripts that address issues related to architecture, the city, and the territory. It aims to be a vehicle for disseminating academic production, supporting teaching and research activities. The journal's mission is to promote academic debate and disseminate ideas, research, and practices that are relevant to the disciplinary field of Architecture and Urbanism, related to the following themes: the role of architectural and urban interventions in shaping the territory in its multiple scales and temporalities; theories, history, and criticism involving the processes of the built environment; the spatialities of the public sphere; the configuration of urban form; the relationship between architecture and urban spaces; the potential of architectural and urban heritage for urban and building rehabilitation; the collective and participatory actions of populations involved in the configuration of the territory; and the resulting economic, political, social, and spatial impacts.

Oculum Ensaios accepts the submission of articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish, and French. If approved, and in case bilingual publication is of interest, the complete version (as approved) must be provided and financed by the authors.

In line with the Open Science movement, the publication supports the use of preprint servers and accepts manuscripts previously deposited in reliable servers.


Authors should download the article template from the following link:

For any questions, contact the Journal's office at: sbi.ne_oculumensaios@puc-campinas.edu.br

All articles must be submitted electronically through the PUC-Campinas Scientific Journals Portal at:


At the time of submission, the following must be attached:

  1. The article (complete file in Word format, including cover page, abstract, text, references, and illustrations);
  2. Illustrations (in a separate and editable file, in formats accepted by the journal, using the following programs: Excel, GraphPrism, SPSS 22, Corel Draw Suite X7, and Word; in the following extensions: .cdr, .pzf, .spv, .jpg, .jpeg, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .vsdx, .vst);
  3. The documentation required by the journal when applicable (duly signed by all authors).

Manuscripts may be rejected without detailed comments after initial analysis by at least two editors of the Journal, if considered inappropriate or of insufficient scientific priority for publication in the Journal.


In applicable cases, the following must be submitted:

  • Copy of the approval of the Research Ethics Committee's opinion;
  • Open Science compliance form (the model adopted is provided by SciELO, download it here);
  • Document that attests to the permission to use illustrations (tables, photos, graphs, and others).

All persons listed as authors must sign the documents. Photos or pasted signatures will not be accepted; only scanned or electronic signatures are permitted to avoid any kind of fraud. All documentation must be scanned and submitted in PDF format.

The submitted manuscript must follow the article model provided by the journal, and indicate the category and area to which it belongs, as follows:

  • Research Article [Originals]: contributions aimed at disseminating unpublished research results on a topic relevant to the field;
  • Essay (by invitation): reflection on a topic that may generate future research;
  • Visual Essay (by invitation): illustrations (drawings or photographs) of own authorship, with explanatory text about the topic, which are related to the journal's areas and interests.
  • Review: synthesis of available knowledge on a specific topic, through the analysis and interpretation of relevant bibliography, containing a critical and comparative analysis of works in the field and their methodological limits and scopes;
  • Dossier: section dedicated to the publication of interrelated articles by different authors, addressing a topic of current interest;
  • Reviews: aimed at presenting, contextualizing, and critically analyzing printed or online books published in the last three years, related to the disciplinary field of Architecture and Urbanism, according to the journal's scope and focus;
  • Interviews: with professionals, researchers, or individuals whose opinions help to establish knowledge on a specific topic.

Privacy Policy

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services rendered by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.


Ethics Committee Approval

Manuscripts involving human subjects must be accompanied by a copy of the approval of an Ethics Committee's opinion, in compliance with Resolution No. 510, dated April 7, 2016, which establishes the norms applicable to research in Human and Social Sciences.


Conflict of Interest

Authors: must explicitly declare, individually, any potential financial, direct and/or indirect, and non-financial conflicts of interest, as well as any conflict of interest with ad hoc reviewers.

Ad hoc reviewers: in case a conflict of interest is identified by reviewers, the Editorial Committee will refer the manuscript to another ad hoc reviewer.

Similarity Detection with Other Publications

Performed using the CrossCheck similarity detection tool, articles will be submitted after the peer review stage.


This publication disseminates its articles on Twitter and encourages authors to promote their articles on their personal and institutional social networks.

Twitter - https://twitter.com/Oculum_Ensaios


The journal limits the publication of articles to a maximum of 5 authors listed under the title. Authorship credit should be based on substantial contributions, such as (a) conception and design, (b) analysis and interpretation, (c) review and approval of the final version of the article. Inclusion of names of authors whose contributions do not meet the above criteria is not justified.

The contribution of the authors should be indicated in a text of up to four lines.

Institutional affiliation should be provided at up to three levels (e.g., University, Faculty, Program). The designation of the corresponding author should be based on the highest degree of qualification, and all authors must have and provide their ORCID® registration number. Registration is free and available at: https://orcid.org/

The journal strongly recommends that all authors and co-authors keep their curricula updated on the Lattes Platform for article submission.

Important: no additions or exclusions of authors will be accepted after submission.

The journal Oculum Ensaios does not publish more than one article by the same author in the same volume and section to avoid endogeneity. This procedure aims to increase the number of topics and contributions from national and international authors.


Review Process

The processing of manuscripts will only begin if they comply with the instructions given to Authors. Otherwise, they will be returned for adjustment to the norms, inclusion of a letter, or other necessary documents.

The journal Oculum Ensaios does not evaluate works that have been submitted to other journals, previously presented at events (national and international), and/or translated into other languages to preserve the originality of the work.

Authors must indicate three potential reviewers for the manuscript, along with their respective emails and affiliated institutions. Optionally, they may indicate three reviewers to whom they would prefer the work not be sent.


Appreciation by the Editorial Board

Evaluation is conducted by the Editors based on the originality, pertinence, academic quality, and relevance of the manuscript to the disciplinary field of Architecture and Urbanism, in line with the journal's focus and scope.

Upon approval, manuscripts will be forwarded to ad hoc reviewers selected by the editors. Each manuscript will be sent to three reviewers of recognized competence in the addressed theme, with one reviewer possibly being chosen from the authors' suggestions. In case of disagreement, the manuscript will be sent to a fourth reviewer, and so on.

The journal adopts a blind review system for peer evaluation, keeping the identities of authors and reviewers confidential. Therefore, it requests that author information be indicated only on the title page, which will be removed for evaluation.

Documents created in Microsoft Word must have the authors' identification removed from the document properties (in the File menu > Properties), starting in File, in the main menu, and clicking sequentially: File > Save As... > Tools (or Options on Mac) > Security Options... > Remove personal information from file properties on save > OK > Save.

The reviewers' opinions include three possibilities: a) approval; b) resubmission; c) rejection. In any of these cases, the author will be notified.

The reviews are analyzed by the associate editors, who propose to the Editor-in-Chief the approval or rejection of the manuscript. The final decision on the manuscript's status (Approved or Rejected) rests with the Editor-in-Chief.

Rejected manuscripts with the possibility of revision may be resubmitted as new work, initiating another evaluation process.

Manuscripts that receive suggestions for modifications will be returned to the authors for the necessary corrections, along with the reviewers' comments, and must be returned within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days, respecting the system's time zone (London time zone).

Accepted manuscripts may be returned to the authors for approval of any changes during the editing and standardization process, in accordance with the journal's style.


Data Deposit Policy

Data are the scientific records that validate the research results. Research data vary according to the area of knowledge and include: textual documents, spreadsheets, statistics, laboratory notebooks, field notebooks, diaries, questionnaires, transcriptions, audio files, video files, photographs, methodologies, workflows, partial reports, and other materials developed and/or collected during the research development. Supported by the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable), Oculum Ensaios recommends that research data be deposited in reliable repositories to ensure the maintenance of Open Science.


Appreciation by the Editorial Board

Evaluation is conducted by the Editors based on the originality, pertinence, academic quality, and relevance of the manuscript to the disciplinary field of Architecture and Urbanism, in line with the journal's focus and scope.

Upon approval, manuscripts will be forwarded to ad hoc reviewers selected by the editors. Each manuscript will be sent to three reviewers of recognized competence in the addressed theme, with one reviewer possibly being chosen from the authors' suggestions. In case of disagreement, the manuscript will be sent to a fourth reviewer, and so on.

The journal adopts a blind review system for peer evaluation, keeping the identities of authors and reviewers confidential. Therefore, it requests that author information be indicated only on the title page, which will be removed for evaluation.

Documents created in Microsoft Word must have the authors' identification removed from the document properties (in the File menu > Properties), starting in File, in the main menu, and clicking sequentially: File > Save As... > Tools (or Options on Mac) > Security Options... > Remove personal information from file properties on save > OK > Save.

The reviewers' opinions include three possibilities: a) approval; b) resubmission; c) rejection. In any of these cases, the author will be notified.

The reviews are analyzed by the associate editors, who propose to the Editor-in-Chief the approval or rejection of the manuscript. The final decision on the manuscript's status (Approved or Rejected) rests with the Editor-in-Chief.

Rejected manuscripts with the possibility of revision may be resubmitted as new work, initiating another evaluation process.

Manuscripts that receive suggestions for modifications will be returned to the authors for the necessary corrections, along with the reviewers' comments, and must be returned within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days, respecting the system's time zone (London time zone).

Accepted manuscripts may be returned to the authors for approval of any changes during the editing and standardization process, in accordance with the journal's style.


Data Deposit Policy

Data are the scientific records that validate the research results. Research data vary according to the area of knowledge and include: textual documents, spreadsheets, statistics, laboratory notebooks, field notebooks, diaries, questionnaires, transcriptions, audio files, video files, photographs, methodologies, workflows, partial reports, and other materials developed and/or collected during the research development. Supported by the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable), Oculum Ensaios recommends that research data be deposited in reliable repositories to ensure the maintenance of Open Science.