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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Declaration of responsibility
  • Verify if the information in the legends of figures and tables is complete.
  • Prepare a cover page with the requested information.
  • Include the name of the sponsors and process number.
  • Indicate if the article is based on a thesis/dissertation and include in the footnote the title, name of institution and year of defense.
  • Authors should indicate the article´s category: Original / Short Article / Review.
  • Copy of the Research Ethics Committee approval.
  • Include the title of the manuscript in Portuguese, Spanish or French and in English.
  • Include the short title with a maximum of forty characters which will be placed on the footnote of all pages.
  • Verify if all references are cited in the text.
  • Include permission of editors for the reproduction of figures and tables that have been published elsewhere.

Author Guidelines


Authors must download the article template from the following link:


PT Template

Template EN

If you have any questions, please contact the Journal secretariat at:  


All articles must be submitted electronically via the PUC-Campinas Scientific Journals Portal page at:

At the time of submission, the following must be attached:

1) The article (complete file in Word format, including cover page, abstract – in Portuguese and English, text, references, and illustrations);

2) The illustrations (in a separate and editable file, in the formats accepted by the journal, in the following programs: Excel, GraphPrism, SPSS 22, Corel Draw Suite X7 and Word; in the following extensions: .cdr, .pzf, .spv, .jpg, .jpeg, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .vsdx, .vst.);

3) Documentation required by the journal (duly signed by all authors).

Manuscripts may be rejected without detailed comments after initial analysis, carried out by at least two editors of the Journal, if the articles are considered inadequate or of insufficient scientific priority for publication in the Journal.


  1. In cases where it applies:
  2. Approval copy of the Research Ethics Committee's Assessment;
  3. Open Science Compliance Form [Model];
  4. Document attesting permission for the use of illustrations (tables, photos, graphs, and others).


All persons listed as authors must sign the documents. Photos or collages of signatures will not be accepted, only scanned or electronic signatures are allowed, in order to avoid any type of fraud. All documentation must be sent scanned and delivered in PDF format.

The submitted manuscript must follow the model article made available by the journal, as well as indicate the category and area to which it belongs, as follows:

  • Research Article [Original]:investigations based on empirical data using scientific methodologies aimed at disseminating unpublished results;
  • Article Review:critical synthesis of the topic of interest in the area, through the analysis and interpretation of the relevant bibliography, which contains a critical and comparative analysis of works in the area that discusses methodological scopes and limits.
  • Review: with the aim of presenting, contextualizing and critically analyzing printed or online books published in the last three years, related to the disciplinary field of Architecture and Urbanism, in accordance with the scope and focus of the periodical.
  • Interviews: with professionals, researchers or people whose opinion allows to guide knowledge on a given topic.
  • Essay:reflection on a topic that gives rise to future research).
  • Visual Essay (by invitation): illustrations (drawings or photographs) of own authorship, with explanatory text about the topic, which are related to the areas of the periodical and its interests. and text about the topic.
  • Dossier: section intended for the publication of coordinated articles, by different authors, who debate a topic of current interest.


Manuscript preparation

All information about how the manuscript should be presented is contained in the Template.

The manuscript must inform whether there was financial support and the process and/or notice number, as well as thanks for the collaboration of colleagues and technicians, in a paragraph of no more than three lines.



In English

The abstract must contain a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 250. The use of acronyms, abbreviations, or quotations is not allowed. The abstract must include a brief reference to the investigated issue, sample characteristics, method used for data collection, results, and conclusion.

The keywords or descriptors must be written with the first letter in upper case, separated by a period.

It must have, in the end, 3 to 5 keywords that describe exactly the content of the work.

For free search terms, you can use the SciELO Index.

 In Portuguese

The abstract in English must be compatible with the one in Portuguese, following the same norms, with keywords corresponding to the chosen one.

Text Structure

The text of all work submitted for publication must have a clear and concise organization.

Except for manuscripts presented as Review, Essay, and Communication, the works must follow the formal structure for scientific texts:

Introduction: must contain a review of the updated literature relevant to the topic, adequate to the presentation of the investigation, and that highlights its relevance.

Methods: this section must contain a clear and succinct description of the method used, including the research techniques and adopted procedures, and, if applicable, the statistical treatment. If applicable, inform that the research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee.

Results: whenever possible, the results presented in tables, charts, or figures must, in addition to following the standards of the journal, be prepared in a self-explanatory manner and with statistical analysis.

Discussion: the results discussed in the light of other observations already registered in the literature must be explored, adequately and objectively.

Conclusion: the relevant conclusions must be presented, considering the objectives of the work, and the ways of continuing the study should be indicated. Bibliographic citations will not be accepted in this section.

For qualitative articles, the sections may vary according to the order of your content.

Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments may be recorded in a paragraph not exceeding three lines, addressed to 1) individuals who have effectively contributed to the work, although they do not meet the authorship requirements, [explain the reason, for example: a critical review of the manuscript, collection of data, etc.]. It is mandatory to send the express permission of these persons. 2) Acknowledgments to institutions that supported the research may be included.

Abbreviations and acronyms: should be used in a standardized way, being restricted only to those conventionally used or sanctioned by usage, accompanied by the meaning, in full, when cited for the first time in the text. They should not be used in the title and abstract.

Citations in the text

NBR 10520/2018



The articles must have, approximately, 30 references, except for review articles which may have around 50. When the cited document has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​number, this number must be always informed. They must be organized in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author. It is recommended that 80% of the references are from articles published in indexed magazines in the main data basis in the last 5 years.

Specific Cases:

  1. Titles of periodicals must be written in full.
  2. First and last names should have only the initial in upper-case. : Araújo Junior, R. H.
  3. References with coinciding authors and dates must use the title of the document for ordering and a lower-case letter must come after the date, without space.
  4. References with three authors, all must be included. From four or more on, only the first should be mentioned, adding the expression et al.
  5. Works with only one author should come before works of multiple authorship when the last name is the same.
  6. In cases in which the first author is the same, but the co-authors are different. The alphabetical order of the last names of the co-authors must be the criterion.
  7. Works with the same authors must be ordered by date, being the oldest one the first.
  8. All the addresses with internet links (URL) on the references must be available and direct to the mentioned document. The date the document was accessed must be informed. (see examples of electronic materials).
  9. When the article has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, this must be informed using the prefix:
  10. The formatting of the references should ease the task of revision and publishing. For such, 1.5 line spacing, Arial font size 11 should be used. Each reference must start as a new paragraph.


The accuracy and adequacy of references of works that have been consulted and mentioned in the text of the article are the responsibility of the author, in the same way, that the content of the works is his exclusive responsibility.



They must be limited to 10, counting the institutional affiliation grades. They should be short and used sparingly (whenever possible, include information in the body of the text) and should never be references only.


Any type of table, figure, graph, drawing, diagram, flowchart, photograph, map, organization chart, diagram, plan, chart, portrait, etc., which serve to illustrate the research data, are considered illustrations.

Information on the place and year of the study is essential for empirical articles. Figures are not allowed to represent the same data from tables or data already described in the text.

The journal admits up to 10 illustrations in total, covering any mentioned nomenclature.

The author is responsible for the quality of the illustrations (above 300 dpi), which must allow reduction without loss of definition and must have a maximum width of 16cm.

Graphs and drawings must be generated in vector drawing programs (Microsoft Excel, Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, etc.), accompanied by their quantitative parameters, in the form of a table and with the name of all the variables.


After acceptance

After approval of the article, authors are required to submit the latest version of the manuscript for language review. The article will only be forwarded to editorial procedures and publication after sending the statement attesting to the review. (Articles submitted from January 8, 2024).



They will be sent to the corresponding author, and she/he is responsible for transmitting the version to the co-authors (if any).


Núcleo de Editoração

Campus I

Rua Professor Doutor Euryclides de Jesus Zerbini, 1516 | Pq. Rural Fazenda Santa Cândida | Campinas – SP | CEP: 13087-571



Research Article

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