A arena cultural paulistana: um olhar sobre as condições de implementação do modernismo na São Paulo do início do século XX


  • Marcos Antonio dos Santos EESC-USP


architecture, Alodernism, Inoclernity, art, urbctnisnt


The present paper intends leads the Brazilian Modernism in the beginning ofXXlh century, developing lhe conditions historical ofits origin. The agreement ofthe conclitions givenfor the São Paulo society is basicfor the understanding the transposition ofthe concepts containecl in the theories ofthe European Vanguarcls. The historicalfacts ofthe period ofdevelopment ofthe Aloclernislll in São Paulo 11'ill be conlpare li'ith the reading ofthe Modernity litadefor Sinnnel in tli'() essays — 'Philosophy of the Money' Cind 'Metropolis and the mental life'. In Philosophy of lhe Monco; the dialogue uvith Sintmel avill have as central point its vision of the money as not only villclin ofthe Modern society, but also as afactor offreedom, and in Metropolis and the mental life', to necessary changes to the rationality of the metropolitan individual. It li'ill be evidenced the coincidences bettueen moclernfactors and premodern in the São Paulo of 1920.


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Author Biography

Marcos Antonio dos Santos, EESC-USP

Arquiteto e urbanista Mestrando em Arquitetura e Urbanismo EESC-USP


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How to Cite

Santos, M. A. dos. (2008). A arena cultural paulistana: um olhar sobre as condições de implementação do modernismo na São Paulo do início do século XX. Oculum Ensaios - ISSNe 2318-0919, (7_8), 14–23. Retrieved from https://puccampinas.emnuvens.com.br/oculum/article/view/358



Research Article