Conceptual models of Indigenous Knowledge Management
a discussion in Information Science
Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous people, Management of indigenous knowledge, Models for the management of indigenous knowledgeAbstract
The article aims to explore some initiatives of conceptual models of Indigenous Knowledge Management in the Information Science field, with a literature review on the subject. So, this is a qualitative and descriptive research with the completion of processes for collecting studies in databases (Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Science, SciELO, and the Database in Information Science), structured by inclusion and exclusion criteria for the definition of the research sample. During the data collection, after evaluation of the research criteria, 08 articles were selected for analysis and discussion. In the analysis process, it was observed that conceptual models of Indigenous Knowledge Management have identified different characteristics, structures and approaches, according to the location, the community and the proposed objectives, depending on each social context, political, economic and informational. In conclusion, it was identified that all Indigenous Knowledge Management models are international, with a large part of them concentrated in North America and Africa. In contrast, no study presenting model proposals was localized in Brazil, which for the understanding of this article was understood as a research hiatus. It is suggested as future research a deepening of the discussions of Indigenous Knowledge Management in the field of Information Science in Brazil, to enable the construction of an investigative scenario on the subject.
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