Types of Documents Accepted


Transinformação accepts the submission and, when approved, publishes articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, which fall into the following categories:

- Research article (Article that communicates an original research).

- Review article (Article that critically summarizes scientific knowledge on a given topic. Also known as literature review). 

- Letter (Letter addressed to the journal, typically commenting on a published work). 

- Brief communication (Brief communication of research results). 

- Editorial or introduction (Piece of opinion, political statement or general comment written by a member of the editorial team (with authorship and own title different from the section title)).

- Essay (detailed reflection, with greater freedom on the part of (a) author (a) to defend a certain position, aimed at deepening the discussion or presenting a new contribution/ approach on the relevant topic).

- Interview (Act of interviewing or being interviewed. It is a conversation between two or more people with a certain purpose with questions asked by a interviewer in order to obtain necessary information from a interviewer).

- Approved article opinion (Analysis document of a manuscript that communicates research with evaluation of its relevance, methods and presentation and discussion of the results obtained. The opinion highlights the contributions of the research that recommend its acceptance and the recommendations for corrections and improvements).

- Critical book review (Review or critical analysis of one or more printed or online books (The "product review" type is used for product analysis)).

- Retraction (Retraction or denial of previously published material).



Authors' Contribution


The individual contribution of the authors must be substantial and informed at the time of submission, in a place indicated in the Model provided by the journal.

Transinformação is limited to publishing articles that had the participation of up to four (4) authors and the information should be performed using the terms established by CRediT, namely: Conceptualization, Data Curation, Data Analysis, Receipt of funding, Research, Methodology, Project Administration, Tool Delivery, Development, Software Implementation and Testing, Supervision, Data Validation and Experiments, Data Presentation Design, Original Manuscript Writing, Writing, Review and Editing. The detailed specifications of each term you will find on the CRediT page.



Manuscript Preparation


The manuscript should follow the following Template provided by the Transinformação editorial in its preparation. The adequacy to the model facilitates the identification of information by the Journal’s team and provides greater agility to the process of standardization and standardization of articles, which also impacts the final publication deadline after approval.  



Article Submission Format


The manuscript submission, when done using the template provided by the Journal, follows the preferred standard in Microsoft Word's docx format. Other submission formats such as PDF or other text editing tools will not be accepted. 



Digital Assets


Transinformação accepts manuscripts with up to seven (7) illustrations in any format (e.g., tables, tables, images, graphs). The formats and extensions, sizes and resolutions are informed in the Template.

However, thinking about the accessibility of readers, we recommend the use of Tables and Tables that have the reading more easily performed through assistive technologies, such as screen reading software. Images and column charts, among others, require more elaborate audio descriptions and are still unavailable in the Journal. 



Citations and References


Transinformação uses NBR 6023/2020 for elaboration of references and NBR 10520/2023 for elaboration of citations. Examples for citations and references are described in the Model.



Direct (verbatim) quotations of up to three lines must be enclosed in quotation marks, without italics and then in brackets: “text cited xxxxxx” (author's surname with initial capital letters, year of the material consulted, p. initial page of the quotation).

Literal quotations of more than three lines should be in a block, in a paragraph separated from the text, with a 4 cm indentation on the left, single-spaced, in a font smaller than that used in the text, without quotation marks or italics. The following should appear in brackets: (author's surname, date, page). When the transcribed text has already been highlighted, it is not necessary to indicate the emphasis, but when the authors are including an emphasis, use “our emphasis” or “own emphasis”. Ex.:

Essa tendência ganha um novo caráter na medida em que a implantação de centros culturais, que implicam novo uso do solo seguido de novo tratamento dos espaços urbanos, coopera na constituição de uma outra paisagem, redefinindo a imagem da área no contexto da cidade e modificando a identidade social do território (Mesentier; Moreira, 2014, p. 46, own emphasis).


Article with more than three authors

Sánchez, D. et al. Academic trajectories analysis with a life-course approach: A case study in medical students. Cogent Education, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1-20, 2022. Doi: 


Russell, S.; Norvig, P. Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. 4. ed. Londres: Pearson Education Limited, 2020.

Article in electronic format

Cavalcante, I. F.; Lemos, E. C. Reflexões sobre a produção do conhecimento em face da Inteligência Artificial. Revista de Educação PUC-Campinas, v. 28, 2023. Doi:

Impress Article

Pachur, T.; Scheibehenne, B. Unpacking buyer-seller diferences in valuation from experience: a cognitive modeling approach. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. No prelo.

Book chapters

Martínez-Castro, C. A.; Zapata-Cardona, L. Formación inicial de profesores de estadística en una perspectiva crítica. In: Salcedo, A.; Díaz-Levicoy, D. (ed.). Formación del Profesorado para Enseñar Estadística: Retos y Oportunidades. Talca: Universidad Católica del Maule, 2022. p. 367-384.

Dissertations and theses

Souza, L. M. Educação estatística: interpretando e construindo representações gráficas com alunos do 5° ano do ensino fundamental. 2020. 172f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Ciência e Matemática) — Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, 2020.

Papers presented at conferences, seminars, etc

Lopes, C. O desenvolvimento profissional de educadores matemáticos em educação estocástica e tecnológica. In: Conferência Argentina de Educación Matemática,10., 2014, Buenos Aires. Atas [...]. Buenos Aires: Soarem, 2014. p. 526-533.



Supplementary Documents 


All articles must be submitted electronically through the journal’s OJS page, available at At the time of submission, the following should be attached:

  • Article in Template full file in Word format, including cover page, abstract, Abstract, text, references and illustrations) [Template];
  • Illustrations (in a separate and editable file, in the formats accepted by the journal in the programs: Excel, GraphPrism, SPSS 22, Corel Draw Suite X7 and Word, in the following extensions: .cdr, .pzf, .spv, .jpg, .jpeg, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, vs, .vst.).

Authors are required to forward all documentation, namely:

Where it applies:

  • Document stating permission to use illustrations (tables, photos, graphs and others);
  • Declaration of Commitment to Ethics in Research;
  • Authorization of collaborators cited in the acknowledgments.

Each document must be attached separately within the OJS system. Before starting the process, the person responsible for the submission must previously register in the system as an author. All authors must have an updated ORCID registration.




Splendet Publishing House | Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
Campus I, Rua Prof. Dr. Euryclides de Jesus Zerbini, 1516, 
Pq. Rural Fazenda Santa Cândida, 
Campinas, SP, Brazil, 
Phone: +55 (19) 3346-7904.