Reading in developmental dyslexia: the role of phonemic awareness and executive functions


Palabras clave:

Awareness, Dyslexia, Developmental, Executive function, Reading


This study investigated the correlations and the possible deficits in reading, phonemic awareness, and executive functions among students with developmental dyslexia. A total of 28 students participated in the study, between 9 and 11 years old, 14 with developmental dyslexia and 14 without reading difficulties. Specific instruments were used to assess reading, phonemic awareness, and executive functions. The Spearman test indicated moderate and very significant correlations between performance in tasks of phonemic awareness and reading (recognition and comprehension) and tasks that assessed cognitive functioning involving the following executive functions: cognitive flexibility, working memory, inhibitory control, and orthographic verbal fluency. No correlation was found between the reading and phonemic awareness assessments and the results of the planning done with the Tower of London instrument. The results allowed the researchers to hypothesize that an intervention planned for the development of phonemic awareness and executive functions may have an effect in improving the reading performance of dyslexics


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Cómo citar

MEDINA, G. B. K., & GUIMARÃES, S. R. K. (2023). Reading in developmental dyslexia: the role of phonemic awareness and executive functions. Estudos De Psicologia, 38. Recuperado a partir de



Seção Temática Leitura, Escrita e Aprendizagem Matemática: Correlatos Cognitivos