Between wealth and hunger

conditions for the promotion of food and nutritional security in the capital cities of Southern Brazil


Palabras clave:

Food security, Health evaluation, Hunger, Local government, Public policy


The research was carried out with the objective of evaluating the conditions for the promotion of food and nutrition security in three capitals of the southern region of Brazil.
This is an evaluative research, which used an analysis and judgment matrix composed of 7 dimensions, 11 sub-dimensions, 27 indicators and 56 measures, which classified each of the elements of the matrix as excellent, good, regular or poor for the promotion of food and nutrition security in the three capitals. Data collection took place in public and freely accessible information systems.
The three capitals were evaluated as poor in their conditions for promoting food and nutrition security. Florianópolis and Porto Alegre presented less favorable conditions compared to Curitiba. Aspects related to universal access to adequate food and water, agroecological production systems and sustainable food supply, and traditional peoples and communities stood out negatively in the three capitals.
Although the evaluated capitals present good socioeconomic indicators, the conditions for promoting food and nutrition security are still fragile, which is reflected in the inability to overcome hunger and food insecurity in the southern region of Brazil. The results indicate the need to qualify territorial strategies for food and nutrition security, considering different contexts, as a condition for guaranteeing the realization of the right to food with equity and priority for families and peoples in situations of social vulnerability.


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Cómo citar

LIMA, G. F., MACHADO, M. L., MARTINS, M. C., PINTO, M. L., & GABRIEL, C. G. (2023). Between wealth and hunger: conditions for the promotion of food and nutritional security in the capital cities of Southern Brazil. Revista De Nutrição, 36. Recuperado a partir de

