Analysis of the presence of nutrient claims on labels of ultra-processed foods directed at children and of the perception of kids on such claims


  • Natália Durigon ZUCCHI Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Giovanna Medeiros Rataichesck FIATES Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Palabras clave:

Child, Focus groups, Marketing, Nutritional labeling


To characterize the presence of nutrient claims on the front-of-pack labels of ultra-processed foods directed at children and gain insight on children’ views about the presence of marketing strategies and nutrient claims on labels of ultra-processed foods.

Analysis of images (front panel, nutrition facts table, and ingredients list) of labels from 535 packaged foods with marketing strategies directed at children obtained in an audit-type survey conducted at a Brazilian large supermarket store. Food products with ultra-processed characteristics were identified, and the nutrient claims were quantified and described. Focus groups were conducted with children aged 8-10 years.

A total of 472 (88.0%) of the 535 packaged foods directed at children were classified as ultra-processed. Of these, 220 (46.6%) had one or more nutrient claims on their front-of-pack label (n=321), most (n=236, 73.5%)claiming the presence/increased quantities of vitamins and minerals. The most common ‘free/reduced’ content claim regarded trans fat content (n=48). The focus groups allowed the identification of a noticeable influence of nutrition claims on children, who considered the emphasis important but were confused by the meaning and focus of such claims.

Highlighted nutrient claims on the packages of ultra-processed foods were common and seemed to influence the children’s perception of the products’ quality as a whole. The results indicate the need of thoroughly reviewing the legislation on nutrient claims on the packages of ultra-processed foods. 


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Cómo citar

Durigon ZUCCHI, N., & Medeiros Rataichesck FIATES, G. . (2023). Analysis of the presence of nutrient claims on labels of ultra-processed foods directed at children and of the perception of kids on such claims. Revista De Nutrição, 29(6). Recuperado a partir de

