Brazilian scientificproduction - evaluation, Brazilian rescarches -productionAbstract
Considering the relevance ofthe scientific article in theprocess ofscientific communication, as well as the importance of CAPES in Brazilian post-graduation studies, the possible relationship between attributed evaluation to thepost-graduate courses by CAPES and the degree ofproduction ofarticles in scientific periodicals both printed and electronic done by the Brazilian researcher has been statistically analyzed in the following manner: the courses under the classification A produce more than the courses under B, which produce more than courses under C, and so on successively, being that at the time ofthe research (1997), the classifications wentfrom A to E. This study deals with the productivity of540 teachers in 60 courses, distributed throughout all the Brazilian regions in different areas ofknowledge. In general, the results do not confirm the existence ofa relationship, either in the printed or electronic periodicals. In other words, there is no significant difference between the groups. The group to group comparison, in the case of the printed articles, reveal only that the group classified under E produces less than A, B, C, and D.
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